Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Knowing Prambanan Temple Stories, the Biggest Hindu's Temple in Indonesia

Prambanan Temple is the biggest Hindu Temple in Indonesia. Height of the temple was about 47 meters. The temple was situated about 17 kilometers from Yogyakarta. Prambanan Temple square was built by the Kings of Sanjaya Dynasty in 9 of century. Prambanan Temple was temples square where the main temple was direct to East. As a whole, the temple was like a mount. A mount like figure in the wayang (puppet play) that symbolizing the Universe.

Hinduism followers believe that the temple was Trimurti, which comprise with God Brahma as the Almighty Creator, God Wisnu (Vishnu) as the Caretaker God, and God Siwa (Shiva) as the Vandal God. The main temple was Temple of God Siwa where situated in the centre of the temple, the temple where situated in South side was Temple of God Brahma, and the temple where situated in North side was Temple of God Wisnu. Temple of God Siwa was the main temple, and then may simply that Prambanan Temple was the Temple of God Siwa.

In front of the temple was situated the temples of Wahana or mount (riding animal) of each Gods. The temples also called as Trimurti Mount. Comprise with Temple of Nandi, Temple of Angkasa, and Temple of Garuda. Nandi is a buffalo that mounted by God Siwa. Angkasa is a swan mounted by God Brahma. And Garuda is an eagle that mounted by God Wisnu.

By finding the writings of Pikatan name on the temple, it makes an opinion that the temple was built by Rakai Pikatan and then finished by Rakai Balitung. It was building on the epigraph that has inscribing 856 after date in ancient Java writings. It was called “Prasasti Siwargraha” or “Ancient Inscription of Siwargraha” as a politic manifest to strengthen his position as a great king. Today “Prasasti Siwargraha” is saved in National Museum of Jakarta.

An epigraphist, J.G. de Casparis is success in analyze and discussed it. According to Casparis, there are three important things in the ancient inscription. That is; the language is the oldest example of the ancient inscription that wrote in ancient Java writings. And it was filled by the important history that happening in 9 of century. The history was about warfare among Balaputeradewa from Sailendra family versus Rakai Pikatan from Sanjaya family. Balaputeradewa was defeated by Rakai Pikatan and then Balaputeradewa run away to Sumatera Island. The consolidation of Rakai Pikatan family then becomes the beginning of new time that need to be celebrated by build a temple, and that was Prambanan Temple.

Prambanan Temple or Temple of God Siwa also often called as Temple of Roro Jonggrang. It linked with the legend that telling about a tall woman and also a Prabu Boko’s daughter. She builds her empire on the hill in the south side of Prambanan Temple.

In the temple side was bounded by stone balcony fence, which dotted with Ramayana relief that can to read if we are “berperadaksina” or walk around the temple in clockwise. The story was continued to stone balcony fence of God Brahma Temple. Whereas on the stone balcony fence of God Wishnu Temple was chiseled relief that telling about Kresnadipayana, the relief describe a story about a tender age of Prabu Kresna as God Wishnu’s incarnation.

The main temple chamber was situated queen consort of God Siwa, but generally the Hinduism followers call as Roro Jonggrang statue. By following the legend, the statue was living body of the beautiful princess, which was cursed by a knight Bandung Bondowoso. Roro Jonggrang promise that if Bandung Bondowoso can create one thousands sculpture in one night only then she would marry him. But Roro Jonggrang was disavowing her promise. So, Bandung Bondowoso curses Roro Jonggrang.

The temple restoration is continued to do. Temple of God Brahma was starting in 1977 and finished in 23rd March 1987, opened by Prof. Dr. Haryati Soebandio. Temple of God Wisnu was restored in 1982 and finished in 27th April 1991, at the time the temple opened by President Soeharto. The next restoration activity was restoring three temples that situated in front of Temple of God Siwa, Temple of God Brahma, and Temple of God Wisnu.

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