Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Mount Merapi

A. Overview
Mount Merapi (2911 m above sea level) is one of Indonesia's volcanoes are still active. The mountain is located approximately 30 km north of Yogyakarta City and included into the territory of the Province of Central Java and Yogyakarta.
Mount Merapi closely related to myths, beliefs and philosophy of Javanese society, especially communities around the volcano. This is illustrated by an imaginary line that connects the Mount Merapi with the South Sea (Indonesia Ocean) with the city of Yogyakarta as the central point. Imaginary line had two philosophical aspects, namely the universe and the universe ageng alit.

Jagat traveling elite is the process of human life from birth to face the Almighty. Tugu Yogyakarta is the point at which humans can be united with God when he is able to take life with a correct and "straight". Yogyakarta City Planning describes the meaning of philosophy through the road that stretches from south to north.
However, the journey of human life could not be separated from the temptations of power and luxury. The temptation of power drawn through Kepatihan complex, while the temptation of wealth is reflected through Beringharjo who are on the road between the Sultan and the Tugu Yogyakarta.

Jagat meaningful Ageng a leader must give priority to the interests of society and the importance of conscience than the lust for power. Leaders must bases his leadership on the basis of belief in God. That is, the action must necessarily lead, based on what is allowed / ordered and forbidden by God. Therefore, the meaning of the imaginary line is that humans can be close and united with his Lord when he was able to interpret the true nature of life and behave as it has been commanded by God.

Mount Merapi is also filled with myth as the royal spirits. People believe that Mount Merapi is maintained by Kiai Sapujagad, governor of Islamic Mataram Sultanate during the reign of Panembahan Senopati, namely the Sultan of Mataram Islam first. However, the spirits who inhabit Merapi is not evil so long as human beings who always used to maintain and cherish life Merapi as an entity. On the basis of that myth, the communities around Mount Merapi perform various ceremonies, such as Labuhan ceremony is held each year by the Sultan Palace, mountain charity activities,
salvation, and so forth.

Beyond the philosophical meaning that links the presence of Mount Merapi, South Sea, and the Sultan Palace, Mount Merapi is a natural phenomenon that has its own privileges. Until now, Mount Merapi is still one that is still active volcanoes in Indonesia. Since erupted in 1548, Mount Merapi has erupted 68 times. Small eruption of Merapi activity occurs every 2-3 years and a large eruption occurred about 10-15 years - the last in 2006.

The eruption of Mount Merapi occurred in 1006, 1786, 1822, 1872, and 1930. The eruption in 1006 is what is claimed as the cause of displacement Hindu Kingdom of Mataram to East Java. Meanwhile, the eruption that occurred in 1930 cost the lives of 1369 people. Eruptive activity has resulted in a height and shape of the peak of Merapi continues to change from time to time.

Bubrah Market, the last post before the peak
Source: Mujibur Rohman
Climb Merapi is a challenge for you who like to adventure. The path to climb Merapi is not like the Like climbing lane. Sometimes the road is more like a trench from the top of the mountain. Similarly, along the climbing terrain: rocky, steep, and prone to landslides. Approaching Peak Garuda, the climbers to be extra careful and precise in making decisions because not infrequently trampled rocks precisely landslide - which can be fatal.
B. Feature
Mount Merapi offers a variety of interesting attractions. On the southern slope there Kinahrejo attractions that once a route from the south side. Here you can enjoy beautiful natural scenery or a visit to Tuk Pitu (seven eyes of Water). Or you can also meet directly with Mbah Marijan, caretaker of Mount Merapi.
You can also visit attractions Kaliurang, Kalikuning, Kaliadem, or the National Park of Mount Merapi, which became the park nature conservation area of ​​Mount Merapi. Cool weather and beautiful scenery in this area will refresh you after a whole with the daily routine.

The view from the top trim white cloud
Source: Mujibur Rohman

C. Location
Administratively Mount Merapi entered in the district of Sleman, Yogyakarta Province, Magelang regency, regency Boyolali, and Klaten district, Central Java Province.

D. Access
There are several hiking paths that can be taken to climb Merapi with the level of difficulty and distance, which is different. The path taken by the climbers could include:
First, line the south side of Mount Merapi, through Hamlet Kinahrejo. This path can be said as a gate to enter the Mount Merapi. Post ascent was at home Mbah Marijan. Ascent of this pathway can be reached on average 6-7 hours to the summit. The climbers who take this path will immediately be faced with a relatively heavy terrain with a slope of 30-34 degrees. The novice climber should avoid this route because the terrain is heavy.

To get Kinahrejo, you can use the public transport department Yogyakarta-Ground. Then, from Ground to Kinahrejo within walking distance.

Second, the path Selo is on the north slope of Mount Merapi. This path is suitable for beginners in the morning the climbers climbing terrain that is not too heavy. The line was started from post ascent into the climbers basecamp. Command Post Plalangan ascent was in Hamlet, Village Lencoh. Transportation to reach this village: the majors Semarang Solo bus, get off at Boyolali. From Boyolali minibus ride to the Selo, Selo markets down at T-junction. From the T-junction towards post Selo markets climb a short walk about 1 km. It should be noted, minibuses Selo majors only until 17:00 pm.

The sun rises in the peak of Merapi
Source: Mujibur Rohman

E. Ticket Prices
To climb Mount Merapi, you can simply write a personal identity in the guest book and pay for tickets at USD 3000.00 per person at the post climb.

F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
Around the tourist area of ​​Kaliurang, there are some hotels that charge varies. There are also some small restaurants offering a variety of food menu. In addition, you can use climbing posts, both in Kinahrejo and in Plalangan, as a place of rest before and after the ascent. In fact, you may as well stay here. In each post, there are several guides available to take you to the top. Some of them also functions as a member of the SAR (Search and Rescue).

Usually, post this climb provides food and drink with a relatively cheap price. The young people around the posts that usually provide a souvenir in the form of stickers, t-shirts, keychains, and other trinkets. Before you start climbing, you must bring sufficient water supplies because you will be hard to find water on the slopes of Mount Merapi.

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Sanur Beach

A. Overview
Sanur Beach is one of the beaches on the island of Bali that interesting to visit. Made its natural scenic beauty of Sanur Beach is famous even since antiquity. In the history of ancient Bali, Sanur Beach has been known as beautiful beaches, it appears in the inscription of King Kasari Warmadewa, a king who berkeraton in Singhadwala in the year 917 AD Now, there are inscriptions in Blanjong region, the southern part of Sanur Beach.

In the Dutch colonial period, famous Sanur Beach as a landing site when the Dutch army will attack the Kingdom of Badung is considered insubordination on the colonial government. The war that occurred on 18 November 1906 it became known as Puputan Badung, the spirit of war to the death that was practiced by the King of Badung and his followers.
In terms of tourism, Sanur Beach began to be introduced into the international world by A. J. Le Mayeur, an artist from Belgium who came to Bali in 1932. See the attraction of Sanur beach is very beautiful, the Le Mayeur decided to stay in Sanur by establishing a studio to paint. Le Mayeur Bali later married a girl named Ni Nyoman Pollok, a famous Legong dancer and is one of the models of his paintings. Through paintings Le Mayeur, Sanur Beach began to be recognized by the international community. Currently, the studio painting has become the Museum Le Mayeur and can be visited by the public. Le Mayeur Museum in Sanur Beach tourist area.

B. Feature
In contrast to present the beauty of Kuta Beach sunset (sunset), Sanur Beach is famous for its beautiful panorama of the rising sun (sunrise). The topography of curved white sand beach that stretches to form a beautiful constellation. In the morning, while enjoying the moments of the rising sun is dazzling, tourists can see the group of islands of Nusa Penida in the southeast and the panorama of the south coast of Bali.
The view in the evening is equally interesting. Reflux of sea water clarifying eye on the island cluster of attacks and rock hill that juts into the sea south of Sanur Beach. Not only that, if the waves are not so great, tourists can witness the beauty of the coral reef that stretches colorful.

C. Location
Sanur Beach is located in the village of Sanur, Denpasar District, Denpasar, Bali Province.

D. Access
Sanur Beach is approximately 6 km from downtown Denpasar, and can be reached by private vehicles like cars or motorcycles. If you want to use a public vehicle (bemo), tourists should not worry because public transport is very crowded and fro between the Sanur-Denpasar.

E. Ticket Prices
Still in the confirmation

F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
Sanur is the region's first tourism development in Bali, characterized by the presence of star-rated hotels and various restaurants. Therefore, tourists should not worry if you need lodging or food stalls in the vicinity of this beach. In addition, the tourist area of ​​Sanur beach also provides souvenir stalls that sell various items of art and by-the typical beach.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park

A. Overview
Americans can be proud to have the Statue of Liberty is tall statue and its foundation is 92 meters (about 46 meter high statue and its base about 46 meters). However, Indonesia would soon surpass the symbol "independence" of America. Yes, a large statue of mega-projects that can be enjoyed most of the results are currently being built in Bali, exactly in Bukit Ungasan, Jimbaran, Bali.

This prestigious project is called Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park. From the name, it appears that that will be built is a park with a monument of Lord Vishnu who was driving a Garuda bird with golden color (gold = gold). Lord Vishnu himself is a symbol of caretaker of the universe, while the bird Garuda is a symbol for freedom, loyalty, and selfless devotion.

The plan, the statue of Lord Vishnu riding Garuda was built at a height of 75 meters, with a foundation as high as 70 meters. Garuda bird wing will also be stretched as wide as 66 meters. Key ingredient is copper and brass sculpture with the overall weight of about 4,000 tons. Later, if the project is completed, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana monument will stand as high as + 145 meters beyond the height of the Statue of Liberty and can be seen from the radius to 20 miles. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) is indeed planned to become an icon for tourism in Bali.

Today, tourists can enjoy this GWK Cultural Park. Statue of Lord Vishnu who erect half-body (without hands), and the head of the Garuda bird has become a spectacle of thousands of tourists each month. GWK area itself is a rocky limestone hill with an area of ​​about 200 hectares. Previously, the area named the Bukit Ungasan is barren hill that is not much known for not having any tourist charm. However, after the monument was built, this area started growing and increasingly taken into account.

This gigantic statue was designed by a leading sculptor from Tabanan, Bali, I Nyoman Nuarta. Sculptor Nyoman Nuarta is a graduate of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) who gave birth to monumental works, such as Monument and Monument Proclaimers Arjuna Wijaya of Indonesia in Jakarta, as well as Monument Jalesveva Jayamahe on the beach north of Surabaya.

B. Feature
GWK Cultural Park is located on top of limestone hills as high as 263 feet above sea level (asl). From that altitude, coupled with high statue and its foundation later, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Monument will be the charm of the island of Bali which can be seen from a distance. Above the height of Bukit Ungasan, you can also see the expanse of the southern part of Bali Island with beaches overlooking the Indian Ocean. While in the north, visible fro the plane at Ngurah Rai Airport as well as views of Denpasar. Enjoy the natural charm on Ungasan Hill is going more and more complete if you take the time to watch the sunset (sunset).

Through the trail toward the statue of Lord Vishnu, you will be amazed once again with big plans designer to sculpt in limestone hills into relief the epic Mahabharata and Ramayana. Limestone hills has now been 'transformed' in such a way into big blocks, and some of them have started to be chiselled. Of course, this major work will also bounce back the image of Bali as an island resort in the eyes of the world.

Not only that, near the statue of Lord Vishnu, there is a sacred spring that is named Parahyangan Somaka Giri. Water source was believed to cure various diseases because it has a very good mineral content. Residents around have long been using water from these Giri Somaka Parahyangan for treatment.

If there is a specific event, you can also enjoy various art and cultural events in this place. From the beginning, GWK Cultural Park is designed to be one of the prestigious venues in Bali. At the Lotus Pond stage, for example, with an area with a capacity of 7,500 people, this location can be used for musical performances or performing arts are colossal. Not to mention the Street Theatre, Plaza Tortoise, and the Exhibition Gallery which can be used for purposes such as musical performances, exhibitions, and even fashion shows.

C. Location
GWK Cultural Park is located in Bukit Ungasan, on Jalan Raya Uluwatu, Ungasan Village, District of South Kuta, Badung regency, Bali province, Indonesia.

D. Access
Sightseeing GWK Cultural Park is located on the southern island of Bali, about 40 kilometers from Denpasar, capital city of Bali province. From Denpasar City, tourists can use the services of taxis, rental cars and motorcycles, or use the services of travel agents to bring tourists to the location. An excursion to the pedestal is generally a single travel package tours with other tourist resorts in southern Bali, like Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Beach Dream Land, Tanjung Benoa, Jimbaran, Uluwatu Pura Luhur, as well as other tourist resorts.

E. Ticket Prices
The travelers who want to enjoy this magnificent park and monument ticket charge of Rp 20,000 per person. If bringing a private vehicle, then there is an additional levy, which amounted to Rp 5,000 cars and motorcycles USD 2,000 (March, 2008).

F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
GWK Cultural Park has been equipped with various facilities, such as the Lotus Pond, Garden Festival, Amphitheater, Street Theater, Exhibition Hall, restaurants, and souvenir shops. This cultural park also has several plazas or roomy place outdoors. One of the many visited by tourists is displaying a statue of Vishnu Plaza body of the god Vishnu. At the Plaza is also often the location of pre-wedding photos. If interested in having dinner in this area, it would not hurt you to try having dinner with a la hindangan Indonesia and abroad under the auspices of the stars.

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