Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Dinner with African Wild Lions in Tsavo Lion Restaurant

Tsavo Lions, a famous story and become a legendary story, that is about a pair of Tsavo Lions that killing and eating more than one hundred railway workers on the Kenya - Uganda Railway in 1898. In 1924, a pair of the Tsavo Lions that killing the railway workers preserved in Chicago Filed Museum. Even, the famous story of Tsavo Lions become a novel and a Hollywood film, that is “The Ghost and The Darkness” in 1996.

Inspirited by the Tsavo Lions legendary story, then in 2007, there is a restaurant so called Tsavo Lion Restaurant in Gianyar, Bali. Tsavo Lion Restaurant in Bali is the first of restaurant that have a differ theme in Asia. That is specially designed for the visitors to have a close encounter with lions. This amaze and unique restaurant was situated in Bali Safari Marine Park or BSMP square.

The restaurant room was bounded by a glass panel that very thick, the thick of glass about eight centimeters and bounded by electrified wires. So that, every visitor can feel safe and pleasant when every visitor sees and learns the African lion’s behavior directly in this restaurant. When the lions are roaring and breathtaking the visitors, every visitor can also to eat and enjoy the international cuisine in Tsavo Lion Restaurant. Any time we want to eat in Tsavo Lion Restaurant, is it breakfast in the morning, getting lunch, or dinner in the night, we are able to looks directly into a landscaped enclosure where we can watch the wild lions and the wild lions can watch us too.

Tsavo Lion Restaurant becomes an exceptional dining environment that lies beneath a towering thatched roof. It is an amazing setting for all culinary lovers to dine and enjoy on a special menu of delicious African food. Visitors can also to choose from complete international cuisine menu in Tsavo Lion Restaurant. And it is become a feast for the visitor’s sense to getting experience a close enclosure with the king of the African Jungle around the glass boundary.

Tsavo Lion Restaurant is very match for your family to have lunch or dinner. Cause, beside you can enjoy your food; you and your child can look the lions like in the zoo. Savory foods, comfortable ambience, good service, and encounter with lion the jungle king. There are so many impressiveness thing that you can found in Tsavo Lion Restaurant.

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Fresh Breeze in Ulun Danu Bedugul

Lake Beratan or Ulun Danu Beratan in Bedugul, Bali, is a good destination tour to refreshing yourself with fresh breeze and beautiful nature. Trip to this place pass the time about two hours from Kuta Beach. On a journey to Lake Beratan where the place is a destination tour that famous enough in Bali, visitors can stop in Pura Taman Ayun before arrive to Ulun Danu Beratan.

The lake is about 15.000 hectares. The ambience in Lake Beratan is so refrigerating. Visitors will be carried away and winsome with the beautiful scenery like the mountain range and the beautiful of nature around the lake. As always like other place in Bali, also there are some Balinese temples in the lake side.

For the visitors that want to cross the lake, is available colourous motor boat that prepared to carry the passenger cross the lake. In addition to the motor boat, visitors can also cross the lake by rent a speedboat. Lake Beratan water is very clear, until we can see the rocks under water. There are no people that go swimming to the lake. Because, the air in Ulun Danu Beratan too cool. So, it makes the visitors like out of the grilling hot of sun.

If our view directed to other side, then looked Mount Abang and Mount Batu Danu mounted behind the lake. A beautiful park with leafy trees situated in left side of the lake. Mahogany trees and pine in the park is so match for visitors to take shelter.

And if our view directed to behind the lake, from east-ward is situated several Balinese buildings that was home site and places where people sell their marketable goods.

Not only nature tourism, but also culinary tourism was there around the Lake Beratan. Several restaurant is ready to feting the visitors, are they domestic tourist or foreign tourist. There are so many places to have eating, begin at snack like fried food, grilled corn, boiled corn, and boiled peanut. Also prepare food like bakso (meat ball) and pecel (salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce) that the taste is delicious.

Around Ulun Danu Beratan also sell souvenirs that specific Bali character. In this place visitors can feel comfortable, because the seller is not aggressive to sell their marketing goods to visitors. The sellers are more sportive; because they are have each special place for selling. And almost all tourism places are properly arranged in Bali. Of course, the destination is not finished here, required a long time to enjoy all tourism where situated in Ulun Danu Beratan.

Travel warning for Indonesia lifted

The US State Department has lifted its travel warning for Indonesia, reflecting improved security and paving the way for closer ties between the two countries.

The Islamic militant group Jemaah Islamiah, which wanted to create an Islamic caliphate in Southeast Asia, carried out a series of deadly bomb attacks in Indonesia between 2002 and 2005, dealing a severe blow to the country's tourism and trade.

Following the bombings, the Indonesian authorities worked closely with foreign allies to arrest militants and step up security.

Indonesia has not experienced a major terrorist attack since October 2005, and the government of Indonesia has disrupted, arrested, and prosecuted numerous terrorist elements. The embassy added that the warning had been in effect since November 2000 and that it was cancelled with effect from May 23.

Members of Jemaah Islamiah bombed bars in the Indonesian resort island of Bali in 2002, killing more than 200 foreigners and Indonesians. The group later bombed Western targets in the capital Jakarta, including the JW Marriott hotel and Australian embassy

Senin, 06 Juli 2015

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