Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

What to do in Bali

Bali is a mystery, a magicalisland that offers visitors everything they want to be traced. There are somany activities to do in Bali. Learn about Balinese culture while having fun,great fun for everyone in Bali. Enjoy everything from surfing to enjoy finedining and shopping. Enjoy the stunning scenery around you, green landscape andbeautiful sunsets. Many exciting activities that will make you feel at home inBali.

What will you do with your timein Bali is up to you, there is no specific ideas. For suggestions of whatactivities to do during your stay on the island of Bali, the following is acollection of what is available to do in Bali.

ImaginationBecome Reality with ATV Ride in Bali
You will never get bored in Bali.The island has so many wonderful places to visit, so many challenging things todo and so many ways to explore the extraordinary beauty of this island. Thisactivity is to stretch the muscles of your arms and get ready to ride an ATV(All Terrain Vehicle) on the terraces the village landscape.

ATVriding will make your imagination into reality. Waythat is really cool to enjoy the beauty of the island of Bali. Past theintersection of cocoa plantations, crawling on muddy roads, wet when crossingstreams, or maximize your speed at the edge of the rice terraces. You can enjoyeverything, especially when you are bumping and jumping along with ATV you drive. In the middle of a remotevillage, in the midst of the fields of local crops, ATV offers you a challenging ways to explore the simple lives of localpeople and the beauty of the village itself. Driving alone or with a passenger,both are equally fun, the guide will take you to the main village road, a verybasic asphalt track with holes here and there, our journey through the homes,fields, rice fields, and also we can see the activity local residents daily.

There are two popular places toplay in Bali ATV, ATV in the Village and Village Kerta Penebel. Your ATV ridingadventure playgrounds offered by the ATV, which is located in the village ofPenebel, Tabanan. Bumpy journey to explore the 6 hectares of cocoa plantationsare located in the border village ofTengkudak. In this episode, with some minor challenges on the track, you'llget used to riding off-road engines are heavy. This experience will certainlyencourage the adventurous side of you to continue to go up to the advancedlevel. After you have enjoyed this level, you will not remember how heavy thesteering wheel.

The next is a beautiful tripyou plan to be riding on a long path that presents many challenges, things thatwill arouse the whole of nature hidden in your adventure. This route will takeyou through a large number of narrow waterways winding as far as 2 kilometersin between rice fields, the thing that really test your driving skills, youwill pass through a traditional village that is not accessible by road,situated in the center of the area and unique agricultural region producing muchfruits throughout the year. Looking for the only road to the outside world andthe opportunity to enjoy the genuine flavors of cocoa pieces while on his wayback to base camp. This fun activity is highly recommended.

Diving,Underwater Viewing Natural Beauty of Bali
Looking for another world to beexplored? Exploring underwater! Bali is the best place to see some of the bestnatural beauty under the sea has to offer.

Starting from July toSeptember, many divers coming to Bali to see Mola Mola fish. Usually thisunique giant fish can be seen at various dive sites around Nusa Penida. ButMola Mola is not the only thing worth a look. Another interesting dive spot isManta Point where you can dive with manta rays. Crystal Bay, an area that hasclear water with coral gardens are wonderful, if you need more challenge, godiving in Gili Toya Pakeh or Tepekong; Shark Point near Padangbai if you wantto face the sharks in the wild, exploring the U.S. Liberty Wreck in Tulamben,maybe you can reveal a new mystery or see great barracuda fish in this place,look at other underwater creatures you have to try diving in Seraya or faction;dive deep into the walls around Menjangan Island is superb, find a sea turtlein the middle middle-Amed coral reefs, and more diving spot in Bali has tooffer to you.

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