Minggu, 12 Agustus 2001

Exploring and Adventure Orangutan In Borneo

Exploring and Adventure Orangutan In BorneoMany customers call this is a magical journey. "We invite you to the experience of the human animal kingdoms closest living relatives: orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus sp.) Living in the free house in Camp Leakey, Tanjung Harapan and Pondok Tanguy stations in the misty rain forest surrounded by proboscis monkeys, macaques, gibbons, birds, including the giant horn bills and other exotic flora and fauna. You'll find the river in a traditional boat ( "African Queen" river boat style) and a short walk around the stations.

orang-utan of Borneo tourin quiet noon we quietly cruise the river to look at the trunk "Pinocchio" monkey (Nasalis larvatus), birds and other animals to play in the trees on the banks, while Enjoy your afternoon in the roof of the boat .

Interaction with Borneo orangutan

For your information in the Tanjung Putting national park, there are two types of orang-utan, orang-utan is the first origin live in the park and we called the wild orangutans and the second was rehabilitated 'orangutan or the ex-captive Orangutans confiscated and rescue once people who love them as pets. For the wild orangutans, it is difficult to play with them or because of their fear of the animals and with the man. For example, if your fruit on the ground, they can never take away or disappear from sight. If the former prisoners and rehabilitated Orangutans, you have a chance to play or interact with them.

Exploring and Adventure Orangutan In BorneoIn fact, we do not recommend to contact us as a result of the recovery process to return to their natural habitat, but as with the man for years before they prefer to play before returning to the jungle. Orangutan tower in May or your trip to the feeding time in, they want to play with you. Take your hand and walk in the jungle, so they act as your guide the jungle :-), riding in the back or something else. It is also recommended not to eat, but in some cases, as long as you feed them with their natural food such as fruit. For your information, the fact that their own food in the jungle, as many different types of fruit, leaves, bark, termites, asparagus, and very rare, they eat small birds or eggs if they exhausted their food. In anticipation of the competition for food in the park and the fruits of the season is over there is a time for eating once a day. We give them fruit and milk as a food supplement and find the rest in the jungle.

Many of the orangutans who are still in rehabilitation restored in the middle of the station for a visit to Camp Leakey rangers and interact with the news of the orangutans. Sometimes you can also met with Orangutans in the wild while walking around the camp Leakey, also a research domain.

Exploring and Adventure Orangutan - Pangkalan Bun Flight Schedule

This tour is flexible and there is no time again fully enjoy this magical journey. We can visit at any time of the year, a dry or wet season. You'll find beauty of nature in two phases. The most important thing is to connect with flight schedules, you'll see on the remote destination Kalimantan, there are several airlines that operated.

Pangkalan Bun, a small city and the flight is no flight, and instead of the Garuda flight has not yet been automated, so that all reservations by phone / fax. Therefore schedules for our major concern, schedules are subject to change, with or without notice, and we need to update every time we have reservations, but you can not worry, our experienced staff ready to help you organize leyden your flight and travel.

Borneo orangutan - Customer Testimonial

Wanto, I had the most fantastic journey Orangutans. It is probably one of the best experiences of my life and something that remains with me always. I plan to return (with Michael) next year. I am happy to be able to visit many beautiful places in the world, but I can honestly say that I have never been investigated, after all, so that you and your team.

It was nice to go home to see my family and friends, I miss, but the jungle and orangutans terrible. Fortunately, I have a lot of photos to remind me next week and I had a conversation with my son from school to tell them all about my adventure with Orangutans and hope to teach in a short course on the Orangutans. Wanto - thank you again. I will be back in touch next year to book a return flight. (Anna ROME YELLOW - UK)

Dear Jeffry,
I wanted to thank you for the great support in Borneo during the orangutan and Komodo Dragon filming our documentary series, Kratt Brothers Be the Creature, the National Geographic Channel. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the production of programs that the site is so far from home, but the professionalism of Borneo Adventure is incredibly simple. You and your colleagues provided amazing logistical services before, during and after our filming.Every time we needed something done, it was never a problem not possible. My confidence in you is complete.

I recommend Adventure Borneo to help those who need to travel to Borneo. Whether you're dealing with the complexity of the filming permits or simply tour the whole work was done at a higher level. I give you a 5 star ..!!! Again, thank you for everything you and adventure in Borneo has done for us. It was great.
Best regards,
Cheryl Knapp / Series Producer
Kratt Brothers BE THE CREATURE
In cooperation with the National Geographic Channel. 3764 Chemin de la Côte des Neiges Montreal, Quebec - Canada H3H 1V6.

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