Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

What is IMT-GT...?

After I posted an article about the new flight routes from three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, I'm wondering what is IMT-GT...?

Searching into the internet and found an (old) article from Asian Development Bank website:It's interesting to know that North Sumatra & NAD provinces involved on this project.

The Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) consists of the two Indonesian provinces of North Sumatra and Daerah Istimewa (DI) Aceh; the four northern Malaysian states of Kedah, Penang, Perak, and Perlis; and five provinces of southern Thailand--Narathiwat, Pattani, Satun, Songkhla, and Yala.

Following the request for assistance from the governments of the three countries in 1993, ADB undertook a study and prepared a development strategy for IMT-GT to promote regional economic cooperation in this growth area. The overall goal is to accelerate private sector-led economic growth and development in the IMT-GT.

The initiatives identified seek to
  • promote foreign direct investment and facilitate economic development of the subregions by exploiting underlying economic complementarities and investment opportunities
  • enhance international competitiveness for direct investment and export production
  • lower transport and transaction costs
  • reduce production and distribution costs through economies of scale.

In December 2001, ADB approved the project Strengthening the Subregional Cooperation in the Transport Sector of the EAGA and the IMT-GT Regions [ PDF ] to review the key issues affecting the transport sector, since the countries concerned require such information, and its analysis, to discuss and agree on the necessary collective actions.

I'm sure, in theory, this project should give benefits for these two provinces. The pdf link, consist of the background & rationale, the technical assistance, the President decision, the technical assistance framework and also cost estimation and financing plan.

Source: Asian Development Bank

Access to Soekarno-Hatta Airport back to normal

It's been a hard weather here in Jakarta for the past week, specially in last Friday. I tried to inform the condition but unfortunately I can't be on line for 24 hours per day. Flood in several areas in Jakarta including the freeway to the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, fog at the airport which closed the airport for about 3.5 hours that day and several flights were transfered to Halim Perdanakusuma Airport are the main issues last week.

In my opinion, the access to the international airport in Jakarta (actually it's located in Tangerang, Banten) is very-very poor. There is only one poor highway and limited main roads in Tangerang that can accommodate the traffic. There are no trains, no LRT/MRT and no fly-overs from/to airport to/from Jakarta City, there are no LRT/MRT. There are buses but they still use the one and only highway.

Indeed it's a bad campaign for Visit Indonesia Year program. Latest news from Jakarta Post said that access to the airport back to normal. That's a good news since I have to go to the airport next Monday.
Traffic on the toll road between Jakarta and Soekarno-Hatta International Airport returned to normal early Monday morning, according to toll operator PT Jasa Marga.
"We opened access to all kinds of vehicles at 5 a.m. this morning. At noon, we started charging the toll again," Jasa Marga corporate secretary Okke Marlina told The Jakarta Post on Monday afternoon.
The Sedyatmo tollway, the main access route from the capital to the airport, had been closed since Friday due to floods, especially along kilometer 26 in Kamal, North Jakarta.
Airport traffic police chief Comr. Sutimin told the Post as of Monday morning part of the road was still flooded with about 15 centimeters of water but that this was not enough to disrupt traffic.
Separately, airport administrator Herry Bhakti also confirmed that it was business as usual at the airport starting Monday morning.
"Everything is back to normal. There are a few delays but nothing is unusual," he said, adding that the problems over the weekend were not caused by the airport's design.
"If several parts of the road and runways were flooded, it was merely caused by the power of nature," he said.
Separately, Okke said Jasa Marga would start adding new lanes from kilometer 24 to 27 of Sedyatmo toll road next month.
"We expect the construction to start in March this year. It is scheduled to finish in a year and it is estimated to cost Rp 260 billion (US$ 26 million)," Okke said.
She said there would be one new elevated lane going in each direction. The lane head from the city to the airport would raised 1.5 meters over the existing mangrove forest.
"I want to clarify, we won't take out the mangrove forest. We will just build columns on it," Okke said.
"The construction won't disturb the traffic in the existing lanes," she said.
Okke said while waiting for the new lanes to be completed, Jasa Marga would coordinate with the city's public works agency to improve drainage along the toll road.
"What happened on Friday was the water in Tanjungan creek in Kamal was intercepted by the sea water in the north. Therefore, the water from the city came back south, flooding the toll road," she said.
In November, a high tide cut off the airport toll road. The operator now has 14 pumps to deal with flooding, but during Friday's flood, the water came from both the north and south and was too much for the pumps to handle.
The closure of the airport toll road and the delays of more than 200 flights between Friday and Sunday cost airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II Rp 5.3 billion.
PT Angkasa Pura president director Eddie Hayoto said the airport operator lost landing and take-off fees from the airlines.
Source: Official Website of Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

aku ingin

aku ingin sekali keliling dunia

mari kita keliling dunia melalui internet


Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Keraton Yogyakarta

A. Overview
The origin of Yogyakarta Sultanate started in in 1558 AD In that year, Ki Ageng Pamanahan rewarded with a stake in Mataram by Sultan Pajang for his help in defeating Arya Kingdom Pajang Penangsang. Ki Ageng Pamanahan is the son or grandson Ngenis Ageng Ki Ki Ageng Selo, a prominent scholar of Selo, Grobogan district. In 1577, Ki Ageng Pamanahan build his palace in Pasargede or Kotagede. During inhabit the territory of the Sultan Pajang, Ki Ageng Pamanahan remained faithful to the Sultan Pajang. Ki Ageng Pamanahan died in in 1584 and was buried on the west Kotagede Mosque.

After the death of Ki Ageng Pamanahan, then lift Sutawijaya Pajang Sultan, son of Ki Ageng Pamanahan as the new ruler of Mataram. Sutawijaya also called Ngabei Loring Market because the house is located in the northern market. Unlike his father, refused to submit to the Sultan Sutawijaya Pajang. He wants to have its own territory even want to be king in the entire island of Java. Seeing Sutawijaya attitude, the Kingdom of Pajang tried to retake power in Mataram Kingdom Pajang. The attacks against Mataram conducted in 1587. However, in this assault troops would Pajang storm ravaged the eruption of Mount Merapi, while Sutawijaya and his army survived.

In 1588, Mataram into the kingdom by the Sultan with the title Sutawijaya Senapati Ingalaga Sayidin Panatagama or Panembahan Senopati. Panembahan Senopati meaningful regulatory warlords and clerics in religious life. As the legitimacy of the power amplifier, Panembahan Senopati established that inherited the tradition of the Mataram kingdom of Mataram Pajang which means obliged to continue the tradition of mastery over the whole region of Java Island. In Panembahan Senapati died in 1601 and replaced his son, Mas Jolang which became known as Seda ing Panembahan Krapyak. In 1613, Mas Jolang died later replaced by Prince Arya Martapura. But because of frequent illness and was replaced by his brother who bear the title Raden Mas stimuli Sultan Agung Senapati Ingalaga Abdurrahman who was also known as the King or Sultan Agung Pandita Hanyakrakusuma Hanyakrakusuma.

At the time of Sultan Agung of Mataram kingdom had been developed in our political, military, artistic, literary, and religious. Sciences such as law, philosophy, and astronomy are also studied. In 1645, Sultan Agung died and was succeeded his son Amangkurat I. After the death of Sultan Agung of Mataram Kingdom remarkable decline. The root of the decline was basically lies in the contradictions and divisions within his own family Mataram Kingdom that used by the VOC. The peak of the split that occurred on February 13, 1755 with the signing of the Treaty marked the kingdom of Mataram Gianti that divides into two, namely Kasunanan Sultanate of Surakarta and Yogyakarta.

In these Gianti agreement, stated that Prince Sultan Mangkubumi be over with the title of Sultan of Yogyakarta Sultanate Hamengkubuwono Senapati Ingalaga Abdul Rakhman Sayidin Panatagama khalifatullah. Since then Prince Mangkubumi officially became the first sultan of Yogyakarta with the title Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. The Sultan who had reigned in the palace of Yogyakarta, namely:

1. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana I (1755-1792)
2. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana II (1925-1810)
3. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana III (1810-1813)
4. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana IV (1814-1822)
5. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana V (1822-1855)
6. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana VI (1855-1877)
7. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana VII (1877-1921)
8. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana VIII (1921-1939)
9. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana IX (1939-1988)
10. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana X (1988-present)

Sultan Palace is a center of Javanese culture in Yogyakarta which still exist today. Yogyakarta Palace was founded by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Currently, the king of Yogyakarta Palace is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. At the time still a crown prince, Sultan HB X named Kanjeng Gustavo Prince Haryo (KGPH) Mangkubumi. At this time, Sultan HB X served as Governor of DIY.

Inside the palace there are many buildings with their names and their respective functions, heirloom-royal heritage, the library that holds ancient manuscripts, and museums that store dozens of photos photograph of the kings of Yogyakarta, family and relatives. Various traditional ceremonies are still held regularly in the Sultan Palace, among others 'jamasan' (bath), heritage and royal train and Grebeg Maulud. Sultan and his family live on the inside called the Keraton Kilen.

B. Feature
Sultan Palace is one of the royal palace which is still functioning fully in the many kingdoms in Indonesia. As a province that has a privilege, Yogyakarta Special Region can not be released darikeberadaan Sultan Palace.

C. Location
Sultan Palace located in the city center, with the front page is the North Square and the backyard is the South Square.

D. Access
Sultan Palace can be reached by any vehicle.

E. Ticket Prices
Tickets go into the front of the palace, namely Pagelaran, Siti Hinggil, and surrounding areas is Rp. 5.000, -, while admission to the inside of the palace through Keben is Rp. 7000, -

F. Accommodation and Facilities
Parking for vehicles is available at around Pagelaran, about Keben, and the North Square. There are many souvenir kiosks around the palace.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Temple Prambanan

A. Overview
Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, even in Southeast Asia. The temple is also known as Rara Jonggrang temple was built around the year 850 AD by the House of Sanjaya.
The temple which since 1991 established UNESCO as world cultural heritage (World Heritage Wonder) This complex occupies an area of ​​39.8 hectares. Rose as high as 47 meters or five meters higher than Borobudur temple, Prambanan Temple seemingly strong and sturdy. This is consistent with the background development of this temple, which wanted to show the glory of Hindu civilization in the land of Java.
Then why is also called Candi Prambanan Rara Jonggrang? It is associated with a legend that Javanese people believed most of this temple. Once, a prince named Bondowoso fell in love with a beautiful princess his face, he benama Jonggrang Rara. Because no power to reject the love of the prince, the requirement to submit Jonggrang Bondowoso to the temple with 1,000 statues made overnight. The request was nearly fulfilled, before finally managed to ask for help Jonggrang villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that had ambience impressed morning. Feeling cheated, the new Bondowoso make the 999 statues cursed Jonggrang be a statue of the 1,000.

B. Feature
Prambanan is the embodiment of Hindu civilization in the land of Java. This can be seen from the temple structure that describes the core belief in Hinduism, the Trimurti. Prambanan complex has 3 main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. The three temples are a symbol of Trimurti in Hindu belief. Each main temple has accompanying temple, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are 2 temples wedge, 4 color temples and 4 corner temples. In the second there are 224 temples.

Prambanan other privileges that must be witnessed by tourists is the beauty of relief-relief on the wall of the temple. The story of Ramayana to be the main reliefs of this temple. However, other relief that is not less interesting is the Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as a tree of life, sustainability, and environmental compatibility. In Prambanan, relief of Kalpataru tree is described middle flanking a lion. The existence of this tree illustrates the Java community the 9th century had wisdom to manage its environment.
For visitors who want to complete the curiosity of the intricacies of the Prambanan temple, visitors can also visited a museum in the temple complex. In this museum, visitors can enjoy an audio visual on the history of the discovery of the Prambanan temple until the renovations are complete. For tourists who visited with the family, at Prambanan temple there are also playgrounds for the kids and a mini train that can deliver these visitors around the area of ​​tourism.
One of the tour event that pity to miss the Ramayana ballet performance. Ramayana ballet is an art show that unite various Javanese arts such as dance, drama, and music on one stage and one momentum to present the Ramayana story, legendary epic written by Valmiki in Sanskrit. The story of Ramayana is sung in this performance is a translation of the sculpted reliefs at Prambanan. Ramayana story carved on the temple is similar to that developing story in oral tradition in India. The road is long and thrilling story summarized in four plays or round, namely: abduction Sprott, Anoman mission to Lanka, Ravana Kumbhakarna or death, and the meeting re-Rama Sinta. This staging has been running since the 1960's and is held every month on full moon nights.

C. Location
Prambanan temple is located in the village of Prambanan which is administratively divided into two parts, namely between the district of Sleman, Yogyakarta province and Klaten district, Central Java Province.

D. Access
Located right on the highway make the Yogyakarta-Solo Prambanan temple complex is easy to reach from any direction, either from the direction of Yogyakarta and Solo. If the direction of Yogyakarta, the visitor is issued a fee of Rp 4000 to reach the location. Meanwhile, if traveling from the direction of Solo, visitors spend only USD 6000. For visitors who started the journey from Klaten, many paths to choose from, could use a major bus or bus Yogyakarta-Solo-Klaten majors Terminal Prambanan. Both are just as easily.

E. Ticket Prices
Entrance to distinguish between local tourists with foreign tourists. For the local tourist entrance fee of Rp 8,000, while for foreign tourists entrance fee of U.S. $ 10. Prambanan Temple tourist attraction is open daily starting at 8:00 to 17:00 pm.

F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
In the vicinity of the temple complex of available accommodations and complete facilities, such as hotels / lodging houses, restaurants / restaurants, souvenir shops, stalls telecommunications, and internet cafes. In addition, the presence of the force that guides easily found around the temple will complete the visit of the tourists. Because, they will guide the tourists on the trail-jekak Hindu-Javanese civilization fame with the Prambanan Temple as its main monuments.

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Playground Serulingmas

A. Overview
Wildlife Recreation Park Serulingmas (TRMS) originally dihijaukan city forest since 1994. In the midst of this recreation park there is the tomb of Ki Ageng Selomanik, followers of Prince Diponegoro who pushed to the west and settled in Banjarnegara.
This recreational park, inaugurated Gen. (Ret.) Susilo Sudarman (late), when he was appointed Chairman of the Society of Appeals Eling Banyumas (Serulingmas), on August 21, 1997. As a marker of this inauguration, Susilo Sudarman donated tiger who now breed.
From the garden it can be seen scenery charming River valley Serayu, who met and Palettes Merawu River on the west side. Not far from there Banjarcahyana Dam, built in the Dutch East Indies government in 1939. The dam was constructed chiffon Merawu penetrate down time and until now still serves as a technical irrigation.
B. Feature
Tourist attraction in the TRMS is a wildlife park, swimming pool, children's playground, and the historical area of ​​the tomb of Ki Ageng Selomanik Keramat.
TRMS wildlife park has a collection of animals that ditangkarkan, namely lions, elephants, tigers, orangutans, many species of birds and rare plants are protected. Total, TRMS has more than 36 types of ruminant animals, birds, and reptiles and rare plants.
The animals are not only the result of breeding TRMS, also obtained from the exchange of collections with the garden-animal wildlife in Indonesia. One result of the exchange of these collections are the two elephants from Elephant National Park Way Kambas, Lampung. Until now, the elephant collection that bear two tails. In addition there are also Bengal tigers, African lions, and a bear.
Recreation park is crossed by streams that add to the beauty Serayu River views of the garden. This recreation park is in great demand by children and adolescents, on holidays or school holidays rekeasi park is always crowded with visitors. To enliven the atmosphere on stage performing arts entertainment held areas and perform music that can be enjoyed by tourists while sitting under a shady tree in arenas under the stage.
In this park, visitors can also enjoy a special drink Banjarnegara, namely Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara. Nuances are still strong in rural areas makes the region TRMS TRMS suitable for family tourism destinations in the holidays. With these features, TRMS is the only wildlife park in the southern province of Central Java.
C. Location
Wildlife Recreation Park in administratof Serulingmas located in District Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara regency, Central Java, Indonesia
D. Access
To go Rekretasi Wildlife Park Serulingmas, tourists can travel as far as one kilometer northwest toward downtown Banjarnegara. TRMS location can be reached by using public transport so-called cabbage town.
E. Ticket Prices
TRMS ticket price is Rp 5,000, - for adults and Rp 3,000, - for the children (October 2009)
F. Facilities and other accommodations
Rows of stalls selling souvenirs, toys, food, and beverages can be found around the visitor parking area. The zoo also has a large parking area, to large-sized buses to motorcycles. In addition to these facilities, toilets, children's playground, and small mosque is also the other facilities in this tourist attraction. As for tourists who stay, approximately one kilometer to the southeast, travelers can find several hotels and inns.

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