Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Keraton Yogyakarta

A. Overview
The origin of Yogyakarta Sultanate started in in 1558 AD In that year, Ki Ageng Pamanahan rewarded with a stake in Mataram by Sultan Pajang for his help in defeating Arya Kingdom Pajang Penangsang. Ki Ageng Pamanahan is the son or grandson Ngenis Ageng Ki Ki Ageng Selo, a prominent scholar of Selo, Grobogan district. In 1577, Ki Ageng Pamanahan build his palace in Pasargede or Kotagede. During inhabit the territory of the Sultan Pajang, Ki Ageng Pamanahan remained faithful to the Sultan Pajang. Ki Ageng Pamanahan died in in 1584 and was buried on the west Kotagede Mosque.

After the death of Ki Ageng Pamanahan, then lift Sutawijaya Pajang Sultan, son of Ki Ageng Pamanahan as the new ruler of Mataram. Sutawijaya also called Ngabei Loring Market because the house is located in the northern market. Unlike his father, refused to submit to the Sultan Sutawijaya Pajang. He wants to have its own territory even want to be king in the entire island of Java. Seeing Sutawijaya attitude, the Kingdom of Pajang tried to retake power in Mataram Kingdom Pajang. The attacks against Mataram conducted in 1587. However, in this assault troops would Pajang storm ravaged the eruption of Mount Merapi, while Sutawijaya and his army survived.

In 1588, Mataram into the kingdom by the Sultan with the title Sutawijaya Senapati Ingalaga Sayidin Panatagama or Panembahan Senopati. Panembahan Senopati meaningful regulatory warlords and clerics in religious life. As the legitimacy of the power amplifier, Panembahan Senopati established that inherited the tradition of the Mataram kingdom of Mataram Pajang which means obliged to continue the tradition of mastery over the whole region of Java Island. In Panembahan Senapati died in 1601 and replaced his son, Mas Jolang which became known as Seda ing Panembahan Krapyak. In 1613, Mas Jolang died later replaced by Prince Arya Martapura. But because of frequent illness and was replaced by his brother who bear the title Raden Mas stimuli Sultan Agung Senapati Ingalaga Abdurrahman who was also known as the King or Sultan Agung Pandita Hanyakrakusuma Hanyakrakusuma.

At the time of Sultan Agung of Mataram kingdom had been developed in our political, military, artistic, literary, and religious. Sciences such as law, philosophy, and astronomy are also studied. In 1645, Sultan Agung died and was succeeded his son Amangkurat I. After the death of Sultan Agung of Mataram Kingdom remarkable decline. The root of the decline was basically lies in the contradictions and divisions within his own family Mataram Kingdom that used by the VOC. The peak of the split that occurred on February 13, 1755 with the signing of the Treaty marked the kingdom of Mataram Gianti that divides into two, namely Kasunanan Sultanate of Surakarta and Yogyakarta.

In these Gianti agreement, stated that Prince Sultan Mangkubumi be over with the title of Sultan of Yogyakarta Sultanate Hamengkubuwono Senapati Ingalaga Abdul Rakhman Sayidin Panatagama khalifatullah. Since then Prince Mangkubumi officially became the first sultan of Yogyakarta with the title Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. The Sultan who had reigned in the palace of Yogyakarta, namely:

1. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana I (1755-1792)
2. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana II (1925-1810)
3. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana III (1810-1813)
4. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana IV (1814-1822)
5. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana V (1822-1855)
6. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana VI (1855-1877)
7. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana VII (1877-1921)
8. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana VIII (1921-1939)
9. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana IX (1939-1988)
10. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana X (1988-present)

Sultan Palace is a center of Javanese culture in Yogyakarta which still exist today. Yogyakarta Palace was founded by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Currently, the king of Yogyakarta Palace is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. At the time still a crown prince, Sultan HB X named Kanjeng Gustavo Prince Haryo (KGPH) Mangkubumi. At this time, Sultan HB X served as Governor of DIY.

Inside the palace there are many buildings with their names and their respective functions, heirloom-royal heritage, the library that holds ancient manuscripts, and museums that store dozens of photos photograph of the kings of Yogyakarta, family and relatives. Various traditional ceremonies are still held regularly in the Sultan Palace, among others 'jamasan' (bath), heritage and royal train and Grebeg Maulud. Sultan and his family live on the inside called the Keraton Kilen.

B. Feature
Sultan Palace is one of the royal palace which is still functioning fully in the many kingdoms in Indonesia. As a province that has a privilege, Yogyakarta Special Region can not be released darikeberadaan Sultan Palace.

C. Location
Sultan Palace located in the city center, with the front page is the North Square and the backyard is the South Square.

D. Access
Sultan Palace can be reached by any vehicle.

E. Ticket Prices
Tickets go into the front of the palace, namely Pagelaran, Siti Hinggil, and surrounding areas is Rp. 5.000, -, while admission to the inside of the palace through Keben is Rp. 7000, -

F. Accommodation and Facilities
Parking for vehicles is available at around Pagelaran, about Keben, and the North Square. There are many souvenir kiosks around the palace.

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