Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Temple Borobudur

Province : Central Java
City : Magelang
Distric : Borobudur
Village : Borobudur
GPS coordinates: S7.607984 - E110.203813

A. Overview
Borobudur is one of the best in the world heritage by UNESCO and is recorded in the List of World Heritage (World Wonder Heritages.) That said, this temple was buried by the eruption of Mount Merapi (950 M) and only rediscovered in the 19th century by Governor General Sir Thomas Raffles (1814). Borobudur Temple punden shaped terraces, which consists of six levels of a square. Three levels of a circular and a main stupa as a peak.
Temple which is one of the seven wonders of the world was built by King dynasty in VIII century AD. The word comes from coal and borobudur Budur. Bara / monastery and temple complex meaning Budur or beduhur means above or hill. Thus, the Borobudur Temple Complex could be interpreted as residing on the hill. Height of buildings reached 34.5 m. The building of the temple-shaped tiers. The more upward the smaller, pyramid-like buildings. Levels 1 to 6 of a square and level 7 to 10 form a circle. In 1460 there Borobudur reliefs and statues of Buddhas and stupas 72 504 pieces of fruit. When viewed from above, the Borobudur Temple looks like a lotus flower.

B. Feature
The temple consists of 10 levels has stories of Buddha carved on walls throughout. Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful. Group of reliefs that will be read coherently when visitors walk in a clockwise direction (towards the left of the entrance of the temple). The relief, panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. In addition, there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time. For example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of the voyage who was based in Bergotta (Semarang).
In addition to being the highest symbol in Buddhism, the stupa of Borobudur is a replica of the universe. It symbolizes the micro-cosmos, which is divided into 3 levels. The first level is the human world where the desire is still influenced by negative impulses. The second level, a world where humans have been able to control the urge to use negative and positive encouragement. And the highest level, where the human world no longer dominated by worldly desires.
With all the charm and mystery, only natural that many people from all over the world enter the Borobudur as a place worth visiting in his life. Besides enjoying the temple, visitors can walk around to the villages around Borobudur, like Karanganyar and Wanurejo to view the activities of local crafts makers. Visitors can also go to the top of Watu Kendil to be able to view a panorama from the top of Borobudur. So, what are you waiting?

C. Location
Borobudur is located in the village of Borobudur, Borobudur District, Magelang regency, Central Java.

D. Access
The location of the temple about 100 km southwest of Hyderabad and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. If the direction of Semarang, visitors can take a bus majors Semarang-Yogyakarta and Magelang down at the bus station and takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. From the bus terminal Magelang, travel can proceed using the minibus Borobudur department at a cost of around Rp 5,000 (April 2008).
Meanwhile, if taken from the direction of Yogyakarta, the trip takes approximately 1 hour by public transport or private vehicle. Arriving at the location of parking, travel about 15 minutes still to go on foot through the flower garden and stairs.

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