Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Ubud Bali

Since the booming tourism inBali, Ubud region also become a center for improving art in Bali handicraftsranging from wood carvings, gold and silver handicrafts, paintings and otherart. Local cultural life of Bali is still maintained strong here. To reach thisarea can use their own vehicle or rent car in Bali. Because in this area arewidely available car rent companies.
Not surprisingly, in theUbud area much used as a place to learn the art of the main foreign tourists.They live here and the day-to-day filled with learning interactions with thelocals.
Mas Village, Ubud region,known as a center of wood carving producing second to none. Almost all the wayhome and you will find traditional Balinese art carvings in the gallery. As with the villagecraftsmen Celuk known as gold and silver, also a favorite place to getsouvenirs.

The travel route or tour, atrip from Ubud you can continue to visit Kintamani. Bali trip rent car usecould be an alternative when you do not use their own vehicle. So make use ofservices rent car in Bali.

For accommodation needs,Ubud offers many options that offer a "private escape" atmosphereaway from the crowd with a beautiful view of the hills. Among them Pitamaharesorts, Maya Ubud, Sayan Four Seasons Resort and other international classhotel is a small example.

AreaTourism Arts - Culture in Ubud Gianyar Bali
Museum Rudana and Rudana FineArt Gallery
Rudana Museum is a museum ofart located in Ubud, Bali, which was founded by Nyoman Rudana, a collector ofpaintings which also sits as a member of the Regional Representatives Council(DPD) representing Bali Province 2009 and 2004 period was inaugurated byPresident Soeharto on December 26, 1995. Museum holds more than 400 paintingsand sculptures of artists' work, both in Bali, Indonesia outside Bali artistsand works of foreign artists who make Bali a place to work. Are in a complex,standing Rudana Fine Art Gallery, founded in 1978 and is the forerunner of thefounding of Museum Rudana.

Puri Lukisan Museum
Is the first art museum,which is managed by the private sector, in Bali. Initiated by Cokorda GedeAgung Sukawati, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad as well as foreign artists who lived inUbud, Rudolf Bonnet. Standing on January 31, 1956 under the auspices of theFoundation Ratna Warta, and officially opened by Minister of Education andCulture, Muhammad Yamin.
This museum can be enjoyedin the development of art in Ubud, whether painting or sculpture. Some works offoreign artists who work in Ubud as: Rudolf Bonnet, Walter Spies, Arie Smit andmaestros like I Gusti Nyoman local Lempad, I Gusti Made Deblog, Ida Bagus Madeand others. Including works of art at the Pita Maha.

Puri Agung Ubud
Puri Agung Ubud is locatedright in the heart of Ubud. Ubud is the center of government in the ancientkingdom, as well as a center of culture and art, held in right in front of thecastle. Puri Ubud still has the layout and the building is maintained as theoriginal. On the front page, after the gate, there is an area called the foodshelf. Performances are held here once a week of dance, for tourists. And everyday, carried out training of various groups of the art of gamelan music inUbud. All activities of the thickened atmosphere of Ubud art as an art-mindedvillage.

Wanara Wana
Wanara Wana Monkey Forest,(better known as the Monkey Forest) is a forest area located in Ubud area,exactly fit into the traditional village Padangtegal, Ubud. In this forestthere is a herd of monkeys by the hundreds, who have inhabited this region forhundreds of years. In this area there are also Dalem Padangtegal, which wasfounded at the beginning of the 20th century. MPura the architecture andornaments have a very ancient and artistic.

In the western region ofUbud, there Tukad (time) / Ayung river. In this river are many touristactivities tirta, among them the white water rafting and kayaking. There areseveral tourist services tirta that offer this service. In addition to tourstirta, cliffs along the Ayung Tukad also has a charming natural scenery, andthere are dozens of five-star hotelIn the western region of Ubud, there Tukad(time) / Ayung river. In this river are many tourist activities tirta, amongthem the white water rafting and kayaking. There are several tourist servicestirta that offer this service. In addition to tours tirta, cliffs along theAyung Tukad also has a charming natural scenery, and there are dozens offive-star hotel.

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