Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Ujung Kulon

UjungKulon National Park is the representative of the tropicalrain forest ecosystem remaining lowland and the largest in West Java, and is anideal habitat for the survival of endangered Javan rhinoceros (Rhinocerossondaicus) and other scarce species. There are three types of ecosystems innational parks is the marine ecosystems, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems.

Diversity of plants andanimals in Ujung Kulon National Parkbegan to be known by the researchers, botanists Netherlands and the UK since1820.

Approximately 700species of plants is well protected and 57 species including such rare; merbau(Intsia bijuga), palahlar (Dipterocarpus haseltii), bengang (Lagerstroemiaspeciosa), luminous (Pterospermum diversifolium), ki rain (Engelhardia serrata)and various types of orchids .

Wildlife in Ujung KulonNational Park consists of 35 species of mammals, 5 species of primates, 59species of reptiles, 22 species of amphibians, 240 species of birds, 72 speciesof insects, 142 species of fish and 33 species of coral. scarce animals andprotected than the Javan banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinusjavanicus), Javan (Presbytis Comata Comata), langur (Trachypithecus auratusauratus), deer (Cervus russa timorensis), leopard (Panthera pardus), stone cats(Prionailurus javanensis bengalensis), gibbon (Hylobates moloch), and giantclams (Tridacna gigas).

UjungKulon National Park is an interesting naturalattractions, with the beauty of the various forms of symptoms and the naturaluniqueness of the rivers, waterfalls, white sand beaches, hot springs, marineparks and cultural heritage / history (statue of Ganesha, the Mount PanaitanIsland mercury). All of which create an unforgettable experience for thevisitor and hard to find elsewhere.

UjungKulon National Park with Krakatau Nature Reserve is anational asset, and has been designated a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCOin 1991.
To enhance the abilityof Ujung Kulon National Park management as a World Natural Heritage Site,UNESCO has provided financial support and technical assistance.

Communities livingaround the national park is famous for its tribal art Banten named as Debus.The communities are followers of Islam, but they still retain the customs,traditions, and culture of their ancestors.
Inside the park, thereare places that are sacred to the interests of different religious beliefs. Themost famous as a pilgrimage destination is the cave Biosciences Sirah, which islocated at the western end of the peninsula of Ujung Kulon.

Some sites /interesting place to visit in UjungKulon:
Tamanjaya and Cibiuk.The main entrance to the facility, information center, guest house, dock, hotsprings.

  1. Kalejetan beach,Coral Beds, Cibandawoh. The phenomenon of the southern ocean waves and sandybeaches thick, observation of flora and fauna.
  2. Peucang beach. Whitesand beaches, coral reefs, clear blue waters ideal for swimming events, diving,fishing, snorkeling and ideal place for animal observation in their naturalhabitat.
  3. Karang Copong,Citerjun, Cidaon, Ciujungkulon, Cibunar, Tanjung screen, and Ciramea. Explorethe forest, river canoeing, sea grass grazing animals, waterfalls and turtlenesting place.
  4. Handeuleum beach,Cigenter, Cihandeuleum. Observing animals (bull, boar, deer, Javan traces andvarious species of birds), canoeing rivers in the mangrove forest ecosystem.
  5. Panaitan beach, andthe Mount of Mercury. Diving, surfing, and cultural / historical.
  6. The best visitingseason: April up to September.

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